What Cicda represent?

Does the name of the company tell you more than a quick read would think? The answer is yes!

The name Cicda originates from the services that our company represents: CI/CD, i.e. continuous integration and continuous deployment. These are the basis of DevOps methods, how the development pipeline works together between the developers and the operational team

The last letter A, i.e. automation. Automation is a very broad concept that can be used in e.g. ITC projects, forest industry, clothing industry, etc. The word in question can therefore be used almost everywhere where things can be automated. Cicda stands for test automation, which includes performance testing, software test automation and RPA test automation.

When these two characteristics are combined, our company Cicda Oy becomes. We strive to build and train how to create a development pipeline, e.g. with Jenkins or GitLab CI, as well as create test automation. With this, we can reduce risks before production import, as well as improve error correction with fast processes.

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